Sign #1 - 9 Signs You Have Costly Email Habits
Do you miss or forget to reply to emails? People having to chase you?
The Reality:
This is poor business practice and being busy doesn't justify this costly habit.
It is a symptom that you are disorganised in your inbox - you don't have an adequate system for responding to emails.
This is making your life MUCH harder than it needs to be.
The good news - it's not you, it's just your lack of system and that can be easily fixed.
The Consequences:
There's nothing like ignoring your customers & prospects to make them run to your competitors.
Not replying to emails completely erodes your credibility with clients and colleagues. It calls into question your reliability, which means people won't trust you.
How many nights have you laid in bed wondering what important emails you've missed? Often have the uneasy feeling that you've missed an important email that will result in a major stuff up?
Be honest with yourself about the impact this has on your mental health.
Now think of the positive impact it could have if you turned this around - imagine how much you would stand out to your customers in your industry when you not only reply, but you do so quickly!
35%-50% of sales goes to the business who responds first. Let that sink in.
Are you prepared to let this costly habit continue?