#1 Lack of Consistency - Top 10 Mistakes That Cause a Disorganised Inbox

HOW TO OVERCOME #1 Lack of consistency

Drumroll please...

We have reached the number 1 mistake that causes a disorganised inbox!

It all comes down to consistency. If you don't have consistency in your inbox management, your email is not going to feel like an enjoyable place to be.

Have you ever thought about how you operate in your inbox? You perform a lot of actions each and every day in Outlook, are you aware of how you tackle these tasks?

Even something as simple as opening and reading your emails. How do you approach this task? Give it some thought right now.

If you're like most people you probably tackle this task inconsistently: 

  • Sometimes you might just start with the oldest unread email in your inbox and work your way up in order

  • Some days you might make your way through all the unread emails in your inbox first, hunting for the important or urgent ones, which takes a long time and causes a lot of double handling

  • Other times you might start from the top, with your most recent unread emails and get as many done before your first meeting

  • Or you might start with finishing off your unactioned emails from the day before and then pick and choose from your unread emails whenever you get the time during the day

The trouble is you're not entirely sure about any of these methods, are you? That's why you lack consistency. You haven't seen results you're happy with, that's why you haven't committed to one.

Apply this same uncertainty to your folders and the way you file, your calendar, your workflow/actionable items that come from your email (to name just a few) and you can see that you're jumping all over the place in your processes.


What do you do when you are not getting the results you want in other areas of your life? You would find an expert that can help you. Need more incentive to do that with your email?

How about this...The Right Outlook can show you how to check your emails 20x faster than you do now. Instead of taking an hour of your time in a day, you can do it in 3 minutes. Imagine what you could do with all that time you save...leave work early and spend time with your family, finally have time to do that work project that you've never had time to start, talk to those clients that you keep meaning to follow up.

Thank you for joining us for our Top 10 Mistakes That Cause a Disorganised Inbox!

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