#10 "It's Just The Way I've Always Done It" - Top 10 Mistakes That Cause a Disorganised Inbox
HOW TO OVERCOME #10 - "It's just the way I've always done it"
Recognise that email has come a long way in the past 20 years!
Have an open mind and be willing to entertain the idea that Outlook has tools that could help make your life at work easier.
If you are not a big fan of change (or you have the belief that you are not very good with technology), try changing ONE small thing only by learning ONE basic tool to gain confidence.
You'll be amazed how quickly you'll want to level up when you start to see progress.
Here's a suggestion to get you started...when you email a person in your company for the first time, type part of their name in the "To" field, then hold down the ALT button and the letter K button at the same time.
For example, type "Mel Gib" in the "To" field then hold down ALT & K together.
Outlook will find the person you're after and input their email ready to go!
If you type "Joanne", Outlook will bring up all the Joanne's in your company to choose from.
This is a perfect case of picking up an easy new skill in Outlook that will give you confidence and show you that you can build your skills, one step at a time.
Before you know it, you'll be an Outlook whiz.