#8 I Get Distracted by New Emails - Top 10 Mistakes That Cause a Disorganised Inbox

HOW TO OVERCOME #8 I get distracted by new emails

You wouldn't be human if you didn't.

But now is when I have to insist that you take the reins.

This might not be the first time you've read this advice. You might feel icky at the thought of "not being in control" and "not knowing when an email has come through".

What I want you to think about instead is how liberating it will be not to be a slave to the bottom right corner of your screen every time a notification comes up. No more eye acrobatics as your eyes move at record speed the instant that you see one of those alerts appearing.

I can tell you...life is much better over here in the land of no email notifications. In this utopia we are focused on other tasks, don't waste time due to email distractions (the stats are crazy on this-it can take 23 minutes and 15 seconds to recover back to the original task!) and get to emails when we are well and ready.
Turn off notifications NOW.

In Outlook:
File>Options>Mail>Message arrival>untick everything

I'd love to know if you were reluctant to switch off email notifications, but you did it anyway and you are really chuffed that you did. Please email me and tell me (don't worry, I won't be interrupted by your email notification 😉)


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