The Social Butterfly - The 7 Types of Email Users
The Social Butterfly - calendar is always full
When you try and book a meeting with a Social Butterfly - you can't.
Their calendar is full to the brim, even double booked in lots of cases. Upon closer inspection, it is not meeting or appointments in their calendar - it's full of reminders or to-do list items. None of which must be done at the time allotted.
If you are The Social Butterfly:
How often do you snooze your calendar reminders? Every 5 minutes until you get annoyed and move the to-do list item to the next day? In your frustration, how many times have you hit "dismiss" instead and then FORGOTTEN what you had to do? Oops. Hope it wasn't important.
Consider using your calendar for time-specific appointments or meetings ONLY. Reminders and to-do list items DON'T belong in your calendar.
In Outlook explore Tasks, or our favourite - Sticky Notes - as a great solution for your to-do list.
If you need some help putting together a working process for this - please email Mel, she'd love to help.